This Is My Brave is a national organization (it might even be worldwide, we're not sure) that came to the attention of Seacoast Pathways last year. The best way to describe the program is to conjure up the NPR program "The Moth," only all the participants tell their stories of mental health journeys and recovery.
There is no question that the first key step to recovery is self-acceptance and then sharing with others. The programs offered by "Brave" introduce real people with real stories.
Next week, This Is My Brave is presenting a Free program in two parts from Boston that is available on Zoom. The date is Monday, March 8 and the time is 7 pm.
The program will focus on three Boston-area college students who are juggling all the normal pressures of college with mental health challenges....and the Pandemic!
The link for free registration isThis Is My Brave College Edition Boston University Part 1 - This Is My Brave
Seacoast Pathways is a free, non-clinical mental health recovery program in Portsmouth, NH.
For more information call us at 603-812-9031 or email us at