Clubhouse Beat!


 (Seacoast Pathways, a program of Granite Pathways, is a mental health recovery peer community in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)             

The Clubhouse Beat....JULY, 2021...

Member Lauren writes...

“I am preparing for a craft fair to raise money for Seacoast Pathways Clubhouse Activity Funds. My fellow members Adam, Maria and Dirk graciously volunteered to help me prepare the photos that I have taken personally to put into note cards and frames. It’s a great feeling for all to work side by side in the clubhouse! The fair is located at Club Canadian on 128 main Street in Manchester on July 11 from 10 a.m. To 5 p.m.”

(From Left) Dirk, Adam, Lauren and Maria prepare photo note cards for Lauren's fund raiser. Good relationships through meaningful work!

A sampling of Lauren's wonderful nature photography.                                                                                                            
Thanks to the good work of Adam, Dirk and Sam the Clubhouse has a like-new office chair---at no cost! Members Adam, Sam and Dirk have an interesting hobby – salvaging unwanted, discarded goods from the community, sanitizing and restoring those goods (if required) and returning them to use. This has reaped some benefits for our clubhouse such as framed paintings, office stationery, coatracks and office chairs! It benefits the environment and it's amazing at what some people don't want!

A pretty good find!                                                    
With our Clubhouse due for an accreditation review in August, members and staff have been busy preparing responses to questions being asked of us by the accreditation committee that will visit during the process. So, we're all in an introspective mood these days. Recently, a group of staff, members and Executive Director Ann Strachan held an enlightening focus group where the following questions were asked and responses elicited..

1. What is the problem that Seacoast Pathways solves or addresses?

“A place to get needs met such as housing, employment and wellness. To be in a safe place when struggling with a mental health illness.” - Maureen

“Ending social and economic isolation.” - Sam

"Provides the seacoast area with its first and only mental health clubhouse helping to fulfill needs of our members.” - Joe

“Helps members overcome the stigma of mental illness by having a place of connection with others and feeling accepted and welcomed.” - Ann

2. What areas could be improved at Seacoast Pathways?

“Having a van so that anyone who needs transportation to and from the clubhouse can have it.” - Lauren

“Improving channels of communication during meetings.” - Joe

“Providing as much 'distraction therapy' as possible for members (providing fun as well as needed and important tasks for members while at the clubhouse so they replace negative feelings with feelings of accomplishment, pride and dignity.”) - Ann

“More Transitional Employment partners.” - Ann

3. If Seacoast Pathways had an official motto, what do you think it should be?

“Side by Side.” -Joe
“Meaningful Relationships Through Work.” - Ann
“You Don’t Have To Do This Alone.” -Joe

4. What is your favorite task at the Clubhouse?

“Shopping with Adam and Dirk for clubhouse lunches because it’s being in the community and accomplishing something important.” - Sam

“Cooking in the kitchen because I can use the skills I gained when I attended culinary class.” - Adam

“Taking wellness walks.” – Anonymous member

“Seeing everyone busy and feeling good about themselves here everyday.” - Ann

“Being able to feel a part of our community as well as supporting everyone here and seeing everyone support one another.” - Josh

“Journaling.” - Maria

“Anything where I have the opportunity to collaborate.” - Sam

“Taking care of the fish.” - Joe

“Just working here!” - Dirk


 Sam, Rob, and Lauren are getting back to work –

 "I’m connected to others.”- Rob, employee of Home Depot.

 "I'm confident and feel part of the community."- Sam, employee at Hannaford Supermarket.

  "I look forward to being a team player and learning new skills while working." Lauren, retail assistant at Atrezzi.

 Please consider partnering with us as we experience The Power of Possible!

 Seacoast Pathways » Mid-Year Appeal


Join our weekly co-occurring disorder recovery support group EVERY Wednesday at the Clubhouse or on Zoom. 3:30 pm. For more info call 603-812-9031.

We're spiffing up! Adam and Lauren use some elbow grease in readying our Clubhouse for accreditation visitors next month! We'll tell you all about it next month!

Staff member and "healthiest eater," Scott just couldn't resist a juicy hot dog at our Coney Island Hot Dog Lunch Day in June! (Wait! Is this a "Carrot Dog?")

Seacoast Pathways   603-812-9031


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