
(Seacoast Pathways, a program of Granite Pathways, is a mental health recovery peer community in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
After two and a half intensive days of observations, meetings and discussions at Seacoast Pathways, The Clubhouse International Accreditation Faculty presented its findings to a group of our staff, Clubhouse members, board representatives and Director, Ann Strachan on Wednesday, August 11th.
The first order of business was the announcement that the Clubhouse will be awarded accreditation! Written confirmation will follow in 6-8 weeks. Understandably, this brought about a sudden round of applause and cheers from everyone in the room!
Our accreditation status is the culmination of a long, almost two-year process, ably and admirably headed by Ann Strachan, with the support of the Granite Pathways executive team. Clubhouse members, staff, and board all assisted Ann in various ways, including participating in a lengthy, arduous Clubhouse self-evaluation that required extensive, discussion, and writing.
Our accreditation is assurance to current and future members that Seacoast Pathways is living up to all it has tried to be which is a safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental Clubhouse where adults battling mental health issues can find meaningful relationships and employment through a standardized work-ordered day.
More details will be shared in the September newsletter.